Monday, June 2, 2008


I've posted things and said they were catalytic before, and one of my friends disagreed with me on the definition of a catalyst. Therefore, in this post, a catalyst is an event that triggers other events.
Today's catalyst is being removed, by accident, as a pic mod. I have been doing less and less with the site for a year and a half, since I stopped being employed by the site. Every so often I would moderate some pictures and participate in a discussion. If I'm going to cut more ties, it might as well be now that something happened. I have asked to keep forum rank, because they're fun and I do most of them anyway.
Things change for a reason, whether it be moving out, moving away or finding a new hobby. These three things have impacted me greatly in the past little while, and so far the changes have been good. Hopefully the good changes will continue. If I don't get the job I interviewed for today, more, bigger changes are in store for me. I'll let you know.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Jail time for you

As many of you know, I was dealing with the cops when it came to child exploitation. I have finally heard about one of our biggest pervs. He is charged with three charges, total minimum sentencing will be over 20 years if he is convicted of all three. He's 58, and lives in Texas. He won't last a year.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


So, what's a good friend? The song "Find out who your friends are" says it's someone who drops everything to help when you call regardless of the magnitude of the request.
In the past few days I've had confirmation that a couple people who I have considered good friends for a while indeed are very good friends, and I've found a new one. They answer the request, and ask questions later.
When there's an uncontrollable delay, he finds a more efficient way of fulfilling the request. Thank you E.
When there's a couple options, and I ask for a particular one, she says Sure. Thank you M.
When I drop a bombshell, she gives me a phone number so we can talk easier even though she's busy. Thank you A.
When I need anything else, a presence, a hug, someone to talk to, he goes three nights with little sleep. Thank you G.

The four of you have each contributed to making this easier, and it is much appreciated.

Also... I got a coffee from Starbucks this morning, and it had a feature called "The Way I See It" on the side. It appears to be quotes by authors and the such. I liked mine so here it is:
In a world where celebrity equals talent, and where make-believe is called reality, it is most important to have real love, truth and stability in your life.


So, what's a good friend? The song "Find out who your friends are" says it's someone who drops everything to help when you call regardless of the magnitude of the request.
In the past few days I've had confirmation that a couple people who I have considered good friends for a while indeed are very good friends, and I've found a new one. They answer the request, and ask questions later.
When there's an uncontrollable delay, he finds a more efficient way of fulfilling the request. Thank you E.
When there's a couple options, and I ask for a particular one, she says Sure. Thank you M.
When I drop a bombshell, she gives me a phone number so we can talk easier even though she's busy. Thank you A.
When I need anything else, a presence, a hug, someone to talk to, he goes three nights with little sleep. Thank you G.

The four of you have each contributed to making this easier, and it is much appreciated.

Also... I got a coffee from Starbucks this morning, and it had a feature called "The Way I See It" on the side. It appears to be quotes by authors and the such. I liked mine so here it is:
In a world where celebrity equals talent, and where make-believe is called reality, it is most important to have real love, truth and stability in your life.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

April 10

Alright, so it's nice out, the grass is starting to get green even though it was a very dry winter. Then this morning my car is covered with an inch and a half of snow. Ok, fine. It keeps snowing. I went out for lunch and had to push a good 10 inches of wet snow off my car. Around noon it stopped snowing. YAY. Temperature goes above 0. Ok, so it was 1 above, but hey, melting can start. 4pm, it starts snowing again. There's huge wet snowflakes falling, the trees are covered in snow, and you can't see the top of my car anymore. It has been parked for 20 minutes. It is still supposed to be 20 above on sunday so I will be riding this weekend... but gees. On the good side, we did really need the moisture, there was already a fire ban in place.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Private: Heart Break

Has it ever happened to you that in a single action by another you can quite literally feel your heart break? Like a tear deep in your chest, it slowly rips from top to bottom.

The action can be simple, a smile at someone else, flinching away from a touch, turning over to face the other way in bed. It is rarely the first action in a series of events, but can easily be the last. The action is often so small, so seemingly inconsequential that the person who did it won't even remember.

What do you do when this is a common occurence, but due to other circumstances you can not, and don't want to, leave? How do you survive the torture of your heart breaking every month? every week? every day? What if you don't want to be set free, but just for the heart break to stop?

How do you tell someone that you want them to stay, and you wish they would stop causing your heart to break? How do you find the courage to say something when in the past they have always told you that your feelings are wrong?

How do you admit to yourself that you are in an emotionally abusive relationship?

Friday, March 21, 2008

Private: No Regrets

It is a well know idea that you should live your life with no regrets.

Your friends will often try to tell you what they think their "No Regrets" life is, and if yours is different, here comes the peer pressure.

You're so young, why do you act like you're 30?

So, what happens when you finally cave to the peer pressure, take the leap, do something crazy and stupid and act your own age? What if you regret the path you took while you were living with no regrets? What if you don't realize your mistake before the mistake can't be taken back? Now you regret the life you chose, and you have no way to get back to the life you lived.

Just because I wasn't currently being a stupid teenager does not mean that I didn't at one point act like a stupid teenager. Maybe I just got over it faster than you. Maybe six months at 18 was enough for me. Why does someone else have the right to tell me that at 22 I should still be young, stupid and free? Why couldn't I have been strong enough to tell them to go to hell and live my life the way that I actually wanted to live it?

When I was ten, or so, I figured out that there was a small trend in my family, every 9 years there was a baby born. I'm the second in the chain, and now there's four of us. So, I decided I wanted a baby at 27, assuming I had a husband and stability. I was unconsciously working towards that in my life. It was the one goal that I had. And, I destroyed it due to a little peer pressure. I currently have no hope of being settled, again, enough in three years to be pregnant.

So, what do you do when all you have is regrets and lost dreams?

I wish I knew.