So, I have recently, quietly, come into possession of a tablet PC. While my old laptop is not quite yet dead, I felt the need to splurge, and so, a new toy for me. The touch screen is fun, surfing Nexopia has never been easier. No worrying about losing the mouse, just point and click. Writing recognition is a little sketchy, even after going through the tutorial, but that should get better as we both learn how the other works.
On the mouse issue, if I can ever get Sims installed, it will be great fun to be able to play it on long bus trips without the bulkiness of a normal laptop computer. It is only 13", wide screen, no bigger than a text book, and lighter than most. When I saw it, I just had to have it. Lucky for me, it was on sale.
In other news, school is over, so far, two B's. I'm mostly happy with that, though it will bring my overall average down. I'm not overly hopeful about my last class, so who knows.
Also, I'm done work on Thursday. My 90 shifts this year are up, so something new for me. I will be back at Nexopia until my papers come through for my new job. Nexopia will be helping out with HR/Accounting stuff, they need some support there. Then off to K Division with the RCMP to work in their mail room. Should be boring, but I'll make the best of it, and work on getting a better job in the building. If I stay in the RCMP for the next 30 years, I can retire at 50 with no loss in my pension plan... this could be the start of a wonderful relationship.